South Essex Masonic Study Circle
elects a new chairman

At the last Annual General meeting of the South Essex Masonic Study Circle (SEMSC) John Hubbard, was elected as the new Chairman. He succeeds Terry Lockhart who retired following many years of devoted service.
John is a very distinguished mason and well known around the Province. He is currently the Third Provincial Grand Principal in the Royal Arch and a former Metropolitan Grand Inspector. He is a Founder of the new Essex County Cricket Lodge, Secretary of the Federation of School Lodges, and Inspector General for South Essex in the Rose Croix.
John Hubbard
SEMSC was founded in 1977 and is now the only masonic study circle in Essex and John’s experience will continue to promote its high reputation for the dissemination of masonic knowledge.

It meets four times a year commencing at 8pm at Saxon Hall in Southend on the first Thursdays in March, May, September, and December. Wine and cheese are always provided in December.
At each meeting a talk is normally given by a distinguished invited guest including members or past members of the Provincial Executive. All Craft and Royal Arch masons of good standing are welcome at our meetings which are held in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Dress is smart casual.
If you would like to attend, just come along on the evening, or contact the Secretary, Bob Vine on for more information.